abundance uprising presents


30 day immersive feminine leadership pleasure retreat

where whisper & play create climax in your business

sink in at your own pleasure

a journey to


Join for $54

In this 30 day immersive retreat you will receive...

💧daily prompts for pleasure (BTS)

💧daily riffs to embody pleasure in your life

💧sisterhood as you discover your


Note: Our Sisterhood space will be held inside of Telegram + zoom calls may be sprinkled in 💦

For less than a $2/day we will...

  • Dive into your personal power the through the lens of human design + feminine embodiment

  • Open up to receiving ... receiving more cash, more climax, more PLEASURE

  • Embody your unique feminine leadership essence through pleasure, whisper & play

  • Embody the energetic confidence that ROARS loudly (even when your lips are sealed)

  • Connect & collaborate inside. Meg loves to showcase members' magic, so do not hesitate to take up space

This is a personal experience. Dip in to the prompts at your pleasure & move through at your own pace. Throughout your journey you will have the

love and community of sisterhood around you.

Meet your guide


Hello Beautiful,

It is my honor and pleasure to bring this 30 day experience to you.

My own story is one of strong masculinity. Boundaries, walls and energetic forces meant to keep harm out. I built those walls over the course of nearly 30 years. And tearing them down was no easy feat.

In this ROAR immersion, I want to bring you into femininity with ease.

Through pleasure, play and sisterhood... I would love to share the sacredness of this journey with you.

In a world where masculinity has been the go to business strategy, let's re-write the rules together.

And show that a whisper can ROAR.

I love you & can't wait to see you inside.



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